About Us

Our Story

It was a warm rainy evening of July. Two friends had just watched “Rang De Basanti” and were sipping tea in their balcony looking into the eternity, with the dialogues still echoing in their minds. The movie seemed to have moved them and they were desperate to create a difference. The words of Flt Lt Ajay Rathore would’ve haunted them forever had they not struck this idea then.

“Koi bhi desh perfect nhi hota, usse perfect banana padta hai”

Welcome to Victory Badge, a heartfelt tribute to the unwavering dedication of our valiant soldiers. It all began with a humble aspiration – to establish a modest yet meaningful way to commemorate the courageous men and women who lay their lives on the line for our nation’s safety. Thus, Victory Badge came into being.


At Victory Badge, we are driven by a profound passion for creating change. We hold firm to the belief that our offerings possess the ability to kindle a profound sense of national pride, spurring individuals to actively contribute to the advancement and progress of our beloved nation. Our allegiance to this great country runs deep, and we are resolute in our efforts to play our part in elevating its stature.


We firmly believe in the power of even the smallest gesture, and hence, we are dedicated to producing meaningful creations that ignite a sense of pride and patriotism. Our mission is to make a positive impact, one Victory Badge of honor at a time.

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Victory Badge

Bengaluru, Karnataka
Phone number: +91-7776078154
Email Address: support@victorybadge.com